Congratulations to Drexel's Fall 2022 Gilman Scholarship Honorees!

January 25, 2023

We are proud to announce Drexel’s Gilman Scholarship honorees from the October 2022 application cycle. Three Drexel students received awards for study abroad and ten students were selected as alternates. The prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, supports American undergraduate students pursuing study abroad and international internships.

Congratulations to all of Drexel's honorees! We can't wait to see your adventures abroad!

Kim JohnsonKim Johnson, art history '24
Gilman Scholar to Italy
Kim Johnson is an art history major at the Westphal College of Media Arts and Design, and also takes classes in fine arts and chemistry. She will be attending the Instituto Lorenzo de Medici in Florence, Italy to study art restoration. After graduation, she will attend a graduate program in art conservation.

Calvin KeeysCalvin Keeys, environmental science '25
Gilman Alternate to Ecuador
Calvin Keeys is currently a second year environmental science major with a minor in graphic design. His goal is to become a wildlife biologist with a focus on wildlife conservation and protecting endangered animals. He participated in the 2022 STAR Scholars cohort, where he worked under the mentorship of Dr. Jason Weckstein at the Academy of Natural Sciences Department of Ornithology.

Growing up with an African American father and a Sierra Leonean mother, Calvin is proud of his multicultural background and wants to help provide opportunities to underrepresented communities and individuals in STEM careers. Calvin is a College of Arts and Sciences BRIDGE Scholar, Aspire Scholar (2022-2023 cohort), African Fusion Dance Team Vice President, and a member of the Black Student Union, African Students Association and Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. He is currently continuing research at the Academy of Natural Sciences and volunteering at the Overbrook Environmental Education Center. Outside of academics, Calvin enjoys drawing, playing video games, bike riding and playing tennis.

Anniesa OwensAnniesa Owens, graphic design ’25
Gilman Scholar to Ireland and the UK
Anniesa is a second-year graphic design student focusing on interactive digital media. She was born and raised in Washington, D.C. Hoping to gain a better global understanding, Anniesa will be immersed in two countries and cultures: Dublin and London. While participating in this program, she hopes to gain international experience which will allow her the opportunity to make lifelong connections and friends from a multitude of diverse backgrounds.

Abigail RingAbigail Ring, photography ‘24
Gilman Scholar to South Korea
Abigail is a third-year student from Columbus, Ohio pursuing a photography major, linguistics minor, and entrepreneurship certificate. Abigail fell in love with art from a young age and hopes to use it as a tool to unite people who come from different backgrounds. Having completed an international co-op in Dublin, Ireland, studying abroad in Asia will be another incredible opportunity to gain understanding of a different part of the world as well as explore the impact of art in South Korea. While abroad, Abigail will study intermediate Korean language and complete a research project relating to photography.

This list does not include the students who declined to be publicized or who did not respond to our request.

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program supports a diverse range of students who have been historically underrepresented in education abroad. Gilman Scholars receive up to $5,000, or up to $8,000 if also a recipient of the Gilman Critical Need Language Award, to apply toward their study abroad or internship program costs.

Since the program’s inception in 2001, more than 36,000 Gilman Scholars from all U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other U.S. territories have studied or interned in more than 155 countries around the globe. The program has successfully broadened U.S. participation in study abroad, while emphasizing countries and regions where fewer Americans traditionally study.

The Gilman Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and is supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE).

Want to learn more? Visit the Gilman Scholarship website or email us at